Revolutionise your right to work process
App-based right to work checking system
With effect from 12 July 2016, under section 21 of the 2006 Act (as amended by section 35 of the 2016 Act), an employer commits an offence if they employ an illegal worker and knows or has reasonable cause to believe that the person has no right to do the work in question.
In addition to prison for the criminal offence, a civil penalty of £20,000 can be imposed on any employer of an illegal worker which failed to carry out statutory checks.
The solution you need to ensure compliance
We worked with a world-class risk organisation to create an app-based right to work checking system to support businesses in ensuring their compliance with Home Office/Immigration Service requirements.
The app guides managers through the correct documents required to provide the business with the statutory excuse as well as taking away the need to photocopy documents.
The system allows for all documentation to be held in a central repository and provides storage of signed authorities to retain the documents for right to work purposes.
How does it work?
The app details the documentary requirements depending on individual circumstances at the time of interview and captures copies of the documents and a signed confirmation of the check.
Once submitted, the documentation is retained in a central repository so it can be checked by either your team or our specialist agents, providing an additional layer of assurance and governance with rejected checks being communicated back to the app of the recruiting manager.
- Paperless system;
- All documentation held in a central repository;
- Storage of signed authorities;
- Capture of the MRZ codes;
- Guidance through the necessary documents in line with the statutory excuse requirements of the Home Office;
- Capture pictures and sign documents on the go;
- Additional feature of capturing a photograph of the individual for future reference;
- Notifications of rejected checks;
- Access at any time, from any location;
- Capability to push re-checks for completion by line managers in the field;
- Reminders for follow-up checks when documents are going to expire.
Tailored support to suit your business needs
We offer three levels of right to work (RTW) business support:
- RTW app only for use and management within your business
- RTW app and initial check of the RTW documentation received
- RTW app, initial check and then a managed service with risk protection to monitor ongoing checks of RTW